General FAQs
- Difficulties booking into webinars using Firefox?
- Delete Obsolete alerts notification - for alerts that haven't changed in 12 months.
- Notification: "This portfolio has some inconsistencies, they are flagged in the list of securities held." I can't see the flags?
- How are ROA and ROE calculated?
- Portfolio Manager displaying N/A performance figure with hazard symbol
- Portfolio Manager: Automatic Trade Reallocation Tool
- How to Delete a Cash or Term Deposit account ?
- Moving buys and sells between long and short accounts
- Inconsistencies flagged in the Portfolio Manager by hazard symbols
- Portfolio Manager - Short Selling
- Excluded areas where Short returns are not calculated?
- How do you enable Short Sell functionality?
- How do you enter a short sell?
- How to edit or delete a trade in the portfolio manager?
- How's 'Estimated Yield ($)' calculated in the Portfolio Manager?
- How to enter a Margin Loan?
- How to enter a Term deposit
- How do I create a desktop shortcut to Stock Doctor Online platform?
- I've clicked on 'Save to CSV' but where has the file been saved?
- Portfolio Manager: How to change the default sale allocation method?
- How to delete a portfolio?
- Printing a company pdf
- How to show scroll bars on a MAC?
- Having issues with the screen displaying correctly?
- Where in the Portfolio Director is Intraday data shown?
- Can I run an external back up of my portfolio data?
- When did a stock become a Star Growth Stock/Star Income Stock/Borderline Star Growth Stock?
- Is the data in Stock Doctor live?
- How do I print a page in Stock Doctor?
- How do I Import my Data from the Legacy Stock Doctor 7.6 version to Stock Doctor Online?