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How do I Import my Data from the Legacy Stock Doctor 7.6 version to Stock Doctor Online?

To import your Stock Doctor PC data into the online version of Stock Doctor, click on your username at the top right hand corner of your browser and select 'Import your SD PC Data'.


Click the 'Start Import' button to begin:

The import process consists of the following steps:

1. Upload

To import your personalised Portfolios, Alerts and Watchlists, you will first need to 'Backup your Personalised Data' from Stock Doctor PC. Once complete, return to your online Stock Doctor account to Upload your data.

STEP 1: Back up Stock Doctor PC

Start by backing up your personal data within Stock Doctor PC:

  • Open Stock Doctor PC desktop program
  • Select 'Backup Personal Data' from the 'Tools' menu
  • Take note of the destination folder on your local drive and click 'Save'
  • Re-open browser

STEP 2: Browse to your Stock Doctor back up file

 i. Click the 'Choose File' button
Your backup file is usually found in the following folder: 
C:\Program Files\Lincoln\Stock Doctor 7.6\Data\UserBackup
ii.  Once you have selected your Recent Stock Doctor backup (Recent - 2014-09-30 xx-xx-xx.sdbackup76)
iii. Click Open

Then Click 'Upload Data' button

Analysing your data

Your data will be analysed to detect and report potential issues that may arise. This is an automatic step and (depending on the size of your portfolio) may take a few minutes to complete.


If any issues or naming conflicts arise for Portfolio(s) and Watchlist that you have already created, you can change the names of those being imported from your PC. If there are no conflicts, this step will automatically progress to Review.

2. Upload Summary

You will be provided with a summary of data that is being imported together with any warnings or errors.  Please review them before continuing.

Click the 'Run Import' button

3. Run Import

The import will take a few minutes to complete. You will not need to do anything during the import.

4. Import Results

Once complete your import will be confirmed providing details of files that have been successfully imported. You will also receive a confirmation email with details of data has been imported and data that has not been imported.