Checking for Inconsistencies
When navigating the Portfolio Director, Stock Doctor will run a consistency check on all your portfolios and flag any portfolio/s with an icon that indicates there is an inconsistency.
The inconsistency icon will also be displayed on the Individual portfolio manager screen and under 'Securities Held' against each security that has an inconsistency.
Under the heading 'Securities Held' on the far right click the 'Full History' button.
Clicking on the company code or name next to the inconsistency icon, will direct you to the Securities screen.
You will notice a similar icon against any transaction with an inconsistency under 'Trades and Adjustments'.Clicking your mouse on the inconsistency icon will display a tool-tip, showing the type of inconsistency.
The different types of inconsistencies that can exist are:
- Trades where the total allocations does not match the quantity.
- Trades where sells are linked to both past and future buys.
- Trades where buys are linked to both past and future sells.
- Trades where sells are covered by a buy that is still partially open.
How to Automatically fix inconsistently allocated trades:
To help you fix inconsistently allocated trades, we suggest you use the Automatic Trade Allocation Tool.
Please view the following article:
If you want to manually fix inconsistently allocated trades you will need to deallocate the affected sell transactions and realloacte the sell transactions successfully.
In the example below, the Sell transaction of 400 shares has not been allocated to any buy transaction.
To manually fix this transaction, we'll need to click on the Date next to the trade in question. This will bring up the Edit trade screen. (see image below).
The "No. of Shares" value should match the (bolded) Total of the "Quantity to sell" column.
The most likely cause for these to be different, is when the "Allocation of trades" drop down is set to Manual.
Any other value for this option will automatically calculate the "Quantity to sell" values based on the initial No. of Shares value - our current default is "Smallest Capital Gain".
Once you have selected an option from the 'Allocation of trades' drop-down menu, click Save to apply changes.