Portfolio Director FAQs
- ★ How to Combine Multiple Portfolio's
- How to edit / modify dividends
- How do I compare my portfolio’s performance against Star Stocks?
- Why does my profile alignment update more frequently during reporting season?
- Do I have to maintain a cash account for accurate tax and performance reporting?
- What are the performance figures showing me in the Daily Digest?
- How do I delete a portfolio?
- What is the difference between dollar weighted and time weighted return?
- How do I enter a demerger or takeover in Portfolio Manager?
- What if my fund investment is not unitised? How do I record it under other assets?
- When in a transaction page within the Portfolio Manager how do I view the company's specific research?
- Why can I not have a consolidated transactions report that shows my 'securities' and 'other assets'
- What do the status circles mean in the Portfolio Optimiser?
- Can I use the Portfolio Constructor/Optimser on non Lincoln preferred stocks?
- Why does my index constituent breakdown show more stocks than I actually hold?
- Why do some income stocks appear in a growth focused profile in the optimiser/constructor?
- Why do some growth stocks appear in an income focused profile in the optimiser/constructor?
- How does the optimiser/constructor select the appropriate stocks?
- What risks in stocks does the Portfolio Constructor/Optimiser manage?