Lincoln’s Nine Golden Rules for successful share market investing
The Nine Golden Rules are a series of logical, straight forward rules and strategies that form an intellectual framework to make fundamental analysis a practical reality for all investors. These common-sense rules will allow you to take control of your portfolio with total confidence and peace of mind.
By applying the Nine Golden Rules you can focus on selecting high quality growth or income stocks and avoid the financially weak companies that are simply not investment grade.
Stock Doctor, Lincoln’s Nine Golden Rules are a simple common-sense approach to investing framework that allows you to build a robust framework for making decisions, keeping you in control of your share portfolio.
Lincoln's Nine Golden Rules
Golden Rule #1 - Financial Health *
Golden Rule #2 – Past Financial Performance *
Golden Rule #3 – Outlook and Active Risks*
Golden Rule #4 - Share Price Sentiment
Golden Rule #5 - Share Price Value
Golden Rule #6 – Liquidity and Size
Golden Rule #7 - Principal activities
Golden Rule #8 - News and Announcements
Golden Rule #9 - Follow all the above rules
(* Denotes our Primary Golden Rules - Star Stock criteria)
As mentioned earlier, the Nine Golden Rules provide an excellent framework for investors to build a customized strategy that aligns with their investment objectives and the level of risk they are willing to take on.
Star Stocks
In order for a company to be classified as either a Star Growth Stock, Borderline Star Growth Stock or a Star Income Stock a company must meet Golden Rules #1, #2 and #3. To learn more about Star Stocks click one of the following links: