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Placing a trade online directly from the Portfolio Optimiser or Constructor

Once you have linked to a Bell Direct account, you can execute trades through the Portfolio Optimiser and Constructor.

Portfolio Constructor
This tool is accessible via the green Portfolio Constructor button in Portfolio Director. Clicking on the 'Portfolio Constructor' button will display the Investor Profile screen.


Once you reach the Portfolio Constructor results screen, you can places trades by clicking on the orange Buy button for a specific share. 
buttons appears on each row, but will be disabled by default. 

To enable the Buy buttons, you need to select one following options:

  • Buy in existing portfolio:
    - By default no portfolio will be selected. 
    - You'll need to select a linked Bell Direct Portfolio from the drop down menu.
    (The list of portfolios will be in alphabetical order.)
  • Buy in a new portfolio named:
    - The default portfolio name will be Portfolio1, but you can easily rename the new portfolio by typing in the text box.
    - Then, you'll need to select a linked Bell Account from the drop down menu.

Only once you have selected one of the above options, the Buy buttons will be enabled. 

These Buy buttons, open the Order pad in a new tab and pre-populate the code, value and quantity fields. 

Once a Buy button is clicked a tick appears on the button as shown for AHG in the image above.  This is to reminder you that you have already opened an order pad for that trade.

The Buy button is disabled when the row is deselected, as with ABC in image above.

Portfolio Optimiser
To use this tool, a portfolio will have to be selected within Portfolio Director. As long as this portfolio possesses at least 5 separate security holdings, the Optimiser tool will be available as a tab near the top of the page. 


On the Portfolio Optimiser View Order screen, you can place a trade by clicking on the orange Buy or Sell button for a specific share.

These Buy buttons open the order pad in a new tab. Of note is that a Buy will default to a trade value and a sell to a quantity.

These Buy buttons, open the Order pad in a new tab and pre-populate the code, trade value and a sell quantity. 

Once a Buy button is clicked a tick appears on the button as shown for APE in the figure above.  This is to reminder you that you have already opened an order pad for that trade.


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Using the Desktop order pad

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