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Allkem Limited(AKE) Acquired by Arcadium Lithium plc (LTM) - January 2024

The merger of equals between Allkem Limited (AKE) and Livent Corporation (LTHM) has been completed and is now legally effective. AKE has been suspended from trading as at 21 December 2023 and now trades under the newly formed entity Arcadium Lithium Plc (as a CHESS depository interest, or CDI).

The ATO class ruling can be seen at this link:

To account for the merger of AKE and LTHM, and creation of new entity LTM in the Stock Doctor Portfolio Manager, please see the instructions below:

  1. Navigate to the portfolio containing Allkem Limited (AKE)
  2. In the 'Securities Held' tab, under the Securities Held section, please click on AKE and this will take you to the AKE transaction securities screen.
  3. Scroll down to the “Trades and Adjustments” area.
  4. Click on the “Other Transactions” button and selection “New Reconstruction”

Please enter in the following details in the trade window:

Date: 27/12/2023

Quantity: Enter the number of AKE shares held

New holdings for which rollover relief applies: LTM

Cost base rolled over: 100%

Then click on the “Trade Allocation” tab, found at the top of the dialogue highlighted in orange.

Below is the dialogue box:


In the ‘Trade Allocation’ tab, click on the drop-down menu called ‘Allocation of Trades’ and select your allocation of trades method and then click on the ‘Save’ button, found in the bottom right hand corner.


To return to your securities held screen, please scroll to the top of the page and on the left-hand side, just above to Stock’s name,  click on the button called “Back to Securities’.

You have now accounted for the Scheme of arrangement for AKE.

Our team in the office are ready and willing to assist you with any questions you have about any of the content above. Please give us a call on 1300 676 333 or email us at with any questions you may have. 

However, we are not licensed to provide tax advice and therefore anything which relates to tax or your personal circumstances we will not be able to answer. In order to have personal tax or finance questions answered, you will need to seek the services of a licensed practitioner who will be qualified to answer your queries.