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The Golden Rules - White Paper

A logical and consistent framework for sharemarket success

For many, investing successfully in the sharemarket is jeopardised by a myriad of psychological hurdles. Additionally, significant sharemarket events, such as The Global Financial Crisis or the Coronavirus pandemic, can influence investor behaviour and often cause people to make long-term investment decisions out of short-term fear or anxiety.

Most successful investors have a game plan. They have comprehensive investment strategies; proven frameworks to guide their decision making.

Lincoln Indicators' investment framework, "The 9 Golden Rules", provides a logical and consistent framework for sharemarket success. It has underpinned our approach for more than 25 years and enabled strong returns in both bull and bear markets.

In this white paper, we share:

  • Lincoln Indicator’s investment framework, our “9 Golden Rules of Investing”
  • how the first three Primary Golden Rules help investors identify exceptional investment opportunities, Star Stocks, while avoiding high-risk businesses
  • how our Secondary Golden Rules further tailor an investment approach to align with an investor’s specific objectives and tolerance to risk

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