To account for this merger in the Stock Doctor Portfolio Manager, see instructions below:
- Navigate to the 'Portfolio Director'
- Click on the portfolio containing MLT.
- Under 'Securities Held',
- Click on MLT. This will take you to the MLT securities screen.
- Under 'Trades and Adjustments'
- Click on the down arrow next to ‘Other Transactions’
- Select ‘New Reconstruction’.
- In the new dialogue window that opens, enter the following information under the General tab:
- Date: 06/10/2021
Under ‘New Holding for which rollover relief applies area’
Code: SOL
Quantity: Enter the (Number of shares in MLT x 0.1863).
Ensure to check your statement to determine the exact number of shares as rounding up/down could affect your total SOL holdings.
- Cost base rolled over (%): 100
10. Click Save
You have now accounted for the merger between MLT and SOL .