Woolworths Group Limited (WOW) completed the demerger of Endeavour Group Limited (EDV) on the 25th June 2021.
Eligible shareholders received 1 EDV share for each WOW share owned. The ATO has issued a Class Ruling CR 2021/50 for this demerger, and a copy can be obtained from the ATO website at https://www.ato.gov.au/law/view/document?docid=CLR/CR202150/NAT/ATO/00001
Instructions for Woolworths shareholders who acquired their Woolworths Group Limited shares on or after 20 September 1985 (post-CGT shares).
- Click on the 'Portfolio’ tab and then click on the appropriate under ‘My Portfolio(s)’, which includes the WOW shares.
- Under the ‘Securities Held’ section, find the row Woolworths Group Limited (WOW).
- Click the drop-down button next to ‘Transactions’ on the same line, and select ‘New Reconstruction’.
- In the Reconstruction window, enter the following:
- Date as 01/07/2021.
The number of shares participating, should be the same as the number of WOW shares owned on this date. - Under “New holdings for which rollover relief applies” Enter the following:
- Code: WOW
- Quantity: same amount as “number of shares participating” and
- Cost base rolled over (%): 85.81%
- Click on the plus symbol (+) to add another line.
- On the new line, Code: EDV
- Quantity: same amount as “number of shares participating” and
- Cost base rolled over (%): 14.19%
- Date as 01/07/2021.
- Click the ‘Trade Allocation’ tab.
- Confirm that a trade allocation method has been selected.
- If not, from the drop-down menu select one of the following options:
Oldest First, Newest First, Smallest Capital Gain, Largest Capital Gain, or Same Proportion of Each.
- If not, from the drop-down menu select one of the following options:
- Confirm that a trade allocation method has been selected.
- Click “Save” and you have accounted for the WOW/EDV demerger in Portfolio Director.