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Key Differences between PC Charting Tool and Online Charting Tool?

There are a few key differences between the PC Charting Tool and the Advanced Online Charting Tool:

Location of the Tool

- The PC version of the Charting Tool was opened by double clicking on a desktop icon.
- The Advanced Online Charting Tool is accessible from under the Tools menu > Advanced Charting and when on a company 9 Golden Rules screen from the secondary grey tool bar > chart icon. 



Location of Technical Indicators

- In the PC version of the Charting Tool, Indicators were accessible from the Side menu > Indicators Tab.
- In the Advanced Online Charting Tool, Indicators are now accessible from the top functions bar, under the Studies menu.


Location of Star Stock in/out, dividend and announcements

- In the PC version of the Charting Tool, Events were accessible from the top functions bar.
- In the Advanced Online Charting Tool, Events are now accessible from the Side bar > Events Tab.


Location of Saved Charts

- In the PC version of the Charting Tool, Saved charts were accessible from the Side menu > Codes Tab.
- In the Advanced Online Charting Tool, Saved charts do not exist as all drawings save automatically against the security/index. So, when you revisit the security/index in the future any drawings will load automatically. 


  • As the Charting Tool is now online, there is no need for nightly downloads.
  • It's now accessible on tablets and Apple computers.
  • You can now view multiple charts at the same time.