Typical Price is an average of the high, low and close and is often used to represent the period’s value taking into account the period’s range.
Indicator Type
Price indicator
Works Best
All markets and time frames
The formula is a simple average of the period’s open, high and low.
This tool allows you to calculate a moving average based on the typical price over a user defined span. It works the same way as a simple average of the other data points (open, high, low or close) works.
Select the parameter similar to your favorite moving average parameter. Stock and commodities traders use 50-day averages. Bond and currency traders use shorter averages.
You can select to overlay the result of plot it in a separate pane. Most users choose overly by selecting the box.
You can also select the color by selecting the Result box to bring up the color palette.
The direction of the moving average (higher, lower or flat) indicates the trend of the market and its slope indicates the strength of the trend. Longer averages are used to identify longer-term trends and shorter averages are used to identify shorter-term trends. Many trading systems utilize moving averages as independent variables and market analysts frequently use moving averages to confirm technical breakouts.
Many studies use typical price as their input price instead of the close.
Typical analysis involves price crossovers with the average. It is a lagging indicator but can confirm that a change in trend has taken place. When coupled with a trend line or support/resistance violation, the signal becomes quite reliable. Averages give traders an idea of support and resistance areas but they should not be used alone to determine trade triggers. Overshoots of averages are common although using an envelope of the averages of highs and of lows can help mitigate this.