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Shinohara Intensity Ratio

This indicator can be used to analyse the stocks Strength (Strong Ratio) and Popularity (Weak ratio).

Strong Ratio: Strong Energy Level Ratio.
Weak Ratio: Strong Energy Level, Weak Popularity Ratio.

Strong Ratio: There's no rise or fall signal between 20 and 120, although at the levels between 150 to 300 the stock is seen to be losing popularity and can be used as a profit taking/exiting level.

Weak Ratio: Popularity barometer, 100 is seen as the balanced level. 
When the stock price rises by a large percentage from a low price, usually the weak ratio slowly rises from 150 to 300.  When it shows 200, it indicates that there's strong popularity, twice that of a weak popularity and can be used as a profit taking/exiting level.

Buy signal: When Weak Ratio, that has been lower than the Strong Ration at the low position (between 40-70) then crosses the Strong ratio at less than 70.