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Caltex Australia Limited (CTX) 2016 Buyback Instructions

Instructions to account for the Caltex Limited (CTX) off market share buyback of 11 April 2016 follow. These instructions will only apply to you if you successfully participated in the off market share buyback. In this buyback, the market price was $34.1724 per share, the price you received was $29.39 with $27.38 deemed a fully franked dividend component, and $2.01 deemed a capital component. The market value deemed by the ATO was $34.11.


The example uses the following data and assumptions, please amend accordingly for your individual circumstances.   

500 CTX shares purchased on     25 Jun 2012   

Share price at 25 Jun 2012                     $20.00

Cost:                                                      $10,000.00

Brokerage:                                                  $29.95

Total cost:                                           $10,029.95

You nominate 100 shares (from your parcel of 1,000) for the buyback. 


Instructions for Stock Doctor Online


  1. Click on the 'Portfolio’ tab and then click on the appropriate under ‘My Portfolio(s)’, which includes the CTX shares.
  2. Under the ‘Securities Held’ section, find the row Caltex Australia Limited (CTX). Click the drop down button next to ‘Transactions’ on the same line, and select ‘New Buyback’.


  1. In the new dialogue box:

3a. Enter the Buy-back date as 11 April 2016.  

3b. The No. of shares is 100 (this should be the number of shares you elected for the buyback). 

3c. Enter $29.39 as the Per Share amount for Total Received Including Income ($).  The Total ($) should auto-calculate. 

3d. Enter $34.11 as the Per Share amount for Market Value (deemed by ATO) ($).  The Total ($) should auto-calculate.   

3e. Click Enter Income.  This should take you to the next ‘Income’ dialogue box.  


  1. A new ‘Income’ dialogue box tab should appear:

4a. Franked Income ($) is $2,738.  i.e. $27.38 per share for 100 shares.   

4b. The Franking Credit ($) is $1,173.43, i.e. $11.73429 per share for 100 shares.

4c. The totals should auto-calculate.

4d. Click the Trade Allocation button to go through to the Trade Allocation tab of the dialogue box. 


  1. You should be in the Trade Allocation tab of the Dialogue Box.

5a. Allocate the trade from the drop down box: Oldest First, Newest First, Smallest Capital Gain, Largest Capital Gain, or Same Proportion of Each.   

5b. The quantity to sell should match the amount you nominated for buyback (or scale back amount).  

5c.  Click save


You have now accounted for the CTX buyback of March 2016.