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Please read the important information below, to help you get started with Stock Doctor:
Welcome to Stock Doctor, Australia's premier share investing membership.
With its premium research, intuitive tools and industry leading education and support services, a membership to Stock Doctor allows you to effortlessly build and manage your ideal portfolio relative to your lifestyle objectives keeping you in absolute control of your investments.
And now with direct to market links with the Bell Direct platform, never before has it been so easy to manage and optimise your portfolio like a true professional. With the discipline and confidence your portfolio deserves.
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Our mission
Our purpose at Stock Doctor is to help Australians invest successfully with control, confidence and peace of mind relative to the objectives. To that end we are proud to partner with Bell Direct to allow its customers the opportunity to utilise our world leading portfolio construction and optimisation tools that is fully integrated with the Bell Direct platform.
Star Stocks and our 9 Golden Rules
At our core is our ability to research all stocks on the ASX to immediately focus your attention on the best businesses on the exchange through our Star Stock rating, while just as importantly helping you weed out the stocks you should avoid. Our Star Stocks have achieved outstanding performance. Click here to view the most recent performance figures.
To learn more about our premium research offering encompassed within our '9 Golden Rules of successful investing' click here
Importance of objectives based portfolio construction and optimisation
For too long investors have simply picked stocks with no consideration of their objectives and the risks they are willing to be exposed to. This results in many investors speculating and seriously risking loss as their portfolios reflect a hot-potch approach to stock selection, littered with yesterday's heroes or worse still, perennial under performers.
Either way the outcome is the same. An under performing portfolio run by a disillusioned investor.
Understanding your objectives is a crucial first step to successful long term portfolio management. The second is to possess the discipline required to manage and optimise your portfolio to that objective on an ongoing basis. At Stock Doctor we have provided you with world class Portfolio Management tools that will allow you to pro-actively invest like a professional and never be out of control again.
To learn about different investment objectives and how to identify appropriate stocks view this help file article here
Using Stock Doctor to align your portfolio
When you first open Stock Doctor you would have been asked to proceed with the linking process. This will enable your Bell Direct Account to communicate with Stock Doctor. This would also have imported your existing portfolio into our Portfolio Director.
You are now ready to optimise your portfolio according to your objectives.
First step is to click on the portfolio alignment donut on the home page. This will take you straight through to the Portfolio Optimiser.
Selecting an Investor profile and the Profile calculator
On import of your portfolio the objective selected was "General - well spread" in order to provide a broad ranging profile. However should you wish to hone in on your specific objective and the level of risk you are willing to take on then simply click on the profile in the top left hand corner and change it.
If you are unsure of the type of investor you are and/or your appetite for risk, then the profile wizard also provides you with access to a profile calculator where answering a series of questions will result in a profile you can use within the system.
Portfolio Optimiser
Once you have selected the correct profile you are now ready to use the Portfolio Optimiser to make quick and easy decisions on who needs to go from your portfolio and also receive a list of optimised suggestions which if added to the portfolio would get it into alignment in the quickest possible way.
As a Bell Direct client you will be able to execute your changes all within the Stock Doctor platform so that there will no longer be any excuse or delay that will stop you enacting the decisive decisions your portfolio deserves.
To learn more about this world leading portfolio management technology and how it can help your portfolio from falling into a state of disarray again, please read the following article.
Portfolio Constructor
If you don't currently have a portfolio established then our Portfolio Constructor leverages off the same portfolio optimisation technology, allowing you to establish a portfolio based on your objectives and the level of risk you are willing to take on. This effectively reduces a potential investment universe of 2000 stocks down to 10 if you wish, all in a matter of seconds, and as a collective, aligned to the objective you wish to achieve through share investing.
Once you are happy with the portfolio, simply execute the trades on your Bell Direct account through Stock Doctor.
To learn more about this world leading portfolio construction technology and how it can help you hit the ground running with a focused portfolio, please read the following article.
Stock Doctor is Australia's premier share investing membership
Bell has partnered with Lincoln to provide its members seamless execution through our world leading platform.
Further to providing you with premium research and advanced portfolio management, optimisation and construction tools, you also receive access to a wide range of education and support services, as well as powerful investing tools that will allow you to scour the market for the best opportunities.
Learn more about Stock Doctor
Here are some interesting articles to highlight the premium experience we provide.
- Read about 10 key things you must do to get the most out of the program
- Access our suite of overview videos to learn more about the tools and services available
- Explore Lincoln's investment methodology to learn more about Financial Health, Star Stocks and our 9 Golden Rules
- Discover the Portfolio Director which also includes a tax aware multi-asset portfolio manager which links to your current Bell Direct account
- If you have any questions find them in our FAQ section
- Understand more about the Bell Direct / Stock Doctor integration here
Should you have query about the Bell Direct/ Stock Doctor partnership or wish to ask a question about any aspect about the Stock Doctor program, including speaking to a Stock Doctor analyst then please contact us on 1300 676 333 between 9:00am - 5:30pm AEST or email: and one of our representatives will respond to you promptly.