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Corporate Details

The Corporate Details window displays additional information to both enhance your knowledge of a Company and gain further Investment Insight, and enable you to further Research a Company. For example, you may wish to visit a Company’s website, Contact a Company’s Share Registry, or Contact the Company directly. You will find an insightful description of Principal Business Activities, details of Directors and Management and their Shareholdings in the Entity, Director Remunerations and Events Important to the Company.

To view this Screen, click the 'Corporate Details' toolbar Button. The Screen lists the names of Company Directors and Key Executives.  

By selecting a name in this list and clicking you can read a brief Profile of the person and their involvement in the Company. 


In addition to their Profile you are able to view a list of all Other Company Directorships that individual may hold in other ASX listed Companies.

From the list of Other Company Directorships Screen you can also access any other relevant listed Companies.