The merger of equals between Sliver Lake Resources (SLR) and Red 5 Limited (RED) via scheme of arrangement was approved by the Supreme Court of NSW on the 6 June 2024 and become effective on 7 June 2024 and was implemented on 19 June 2024.
The ATO class ruling can be seen at this link:
Please Note: On the 25 September 2024 there was a Code and Name change for
Red 5 Limited (RED) to: VAU - Vault Minerals Limited.
To account for the merger of SLR and VAU in the Stock Doctor Portfolio Manager, please see the instructions below:
Inside your portfolio that you hold, please click on ‘SLR’
Scroll down to ‘Trades and Adjustments’ area, please click on the button called ‘Other Transactions’
In the drop-down menu, please click on ‘New Reconstruction’
In the pop-up box please enter in the following:
Date: 19/06/2024
Number of shares participating: Is your current holding of SLR (4502)
In the box titled New Holdings for which rollover relief applies:
Code: VAU
Quantity: 15,460 - This is your SLR shareholding multiplied by 3.434. (Shares with .5 will be rounded up to the next whole number)
Cost base rolled over (%): 100.
Click on the blue ‘SAVE’ button, found in the bottom right-hand corner.
Here is an image:
Then click on the ‘Trade Allocation’ tab, found at the top of the dialogue highlighted in orange.
In the ‘Trade Allocation’ tab, click on the drop-down menu called ‘Allocation of Trades’ and select your allocation of trades method and then click on the ‘Save’ button, found in the bottom right-hand corner.
You have now accounted for the Scheme of arrangement for Sliver Lake Resources Limited.
To return to your securities held screen, please scroll to the top of the page and on the left-hand side, just above to Stock’s name, click on the button called “Back to Securities”.
Our team in the office are ready and willing to assist you with any questions you have about any of the content above. Please give us a call on 1300 676 333 or email us at with any questions you may have.
However, we are not licensed to provide tax advice and therefore anything which relates to tax or your personal circumstances we will not be able to answer. In order to have personal tax or finance questions answered, you will need to seek the services of a licensed practitioner who will be qualified to answer your queries.